My Vote Wisconsin - Voter Information Center
(Click on the My Vote Wisconsin link to register to vote, check your registration status, find your polling place, see what's on your ballot, request an absentee ballot, and k provisional ballot status.)
2024 Election Dates
Fall Partisan Primary: August 13, 2024
General Election: November 5, 2024
Sample Ballot
Residents of the Village of Denmark vote at the Village Hall which is located at 118 E. Main Street. All citizens are reminded that your voting place/location is dependent upon where you actually reside. Although many people may have the Village of Denmark as their mailing address not everyone actually lives within the corporate boundary limits of the Village. The Village is surrounded by the Township of New Denmark and town residents cannot vote at the Denmark Village Hall. If someone is unsure of where you should vote please contact Village Hall at 863-6400. Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on election days.
Voter Registration Information
You can register to vote up until the Friday before the election in the clerk's office or on Election Day. You must reside at your address for 28 consecutive days to be eligible to vote, and you may no longer use a corroborating witness as proof of residence. Proof of residence is required when registering. More information on how to register to vote.
In person/absentee voting is available at the Village Hall Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday 7a.m. to 11a.m. The last day to vote in person/absentee is the Friday before the election. The Village Hall will be open until on that day. If you have any quesions about voting early please contact Sherri at (920) 863-6400 or [email protected]
Absentee Voting Information
(Proof of Identification Required)
Reminder: Photo ID is required to receive a ballot.
Check out My Vote Wisconsin - you an register to vote, check your voter registration status, find your polling place, see what's on your ballot, request an absentee ballot and check provisional ballot status.
To request an absentee ballot by mail, fill out the application for absentee ballot or send a letter requesting an absentee ballot (include your name, address, and signature). Photo ID must accompany your request unless your are requesting to be put on the indefinitely confined list, you are in the military, or are permanently overseas. Send your request to Village of Denmark, PO Box 310, Denmark, WI 54208.
Please note: 2011 Act 227 prohibits a voter who has voted and returned an absentee ballot from voting at the polling place on Election Day.
If you need to register you will need to provide Proof of Residence.
Note: If you have not voted in four years you may need to register again.
The law prohibits absentee voting and voter registration the Saturday, Sunday or Monday before an The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot by mail is the Thursday before each election. Click here for more information on how to request an absentee ballot online.
Please note: 2011 Act 227 prohibits a voter who has voted and returned an absentee ballot from voting at the polling place on Election Day.
Military and Overseas Voting Information
Military and Overseas Voters / Application for Military and Overseas Electors
Helpful Election Links
Wisconsin Elections Commission - The Wisconsin Elections Commission is charged with oversight of Wisconsin's elections.
My Vote Wisconsin - Information on voter registration, absentee ballots, polling place location, and military and overseas voting for registered and non-registered eligible voters in Wisconsin.
How to Vote: An Online Guide for Students and Other Election Newcomers